Creating a web app with Dash
General ·One of my instructors from last semester suggested that I try to take the example from my previous post and turn it into an interactive application with Dash.
Dashboarding in Tableau
General ·Another year, another semester. This time I’m enrolled in a class that involves using Tableau to build a set of dashboards using data from the Toronto Open Data Portal. Ultimately, I settled on data related to building permits and real estate development applications since the real estate market is such a hot topic these days.
The Advent of Code
General ·The Advent of Code is upon us! A short post to call attention to this wonderful series of daily code problems in the form of an advent calendar. It’s a great way to learn how to code in any language.
Apache Derby - A quick overview
General ·This semester was randomly assigned a database technology to research and write a summary report. In my case, it was Apache Derby.
Portfolio Optimization with Linear Algebra using Python
General ·The more I learn about linear algebra, the more it brings together the things I enjoy. In this case, it’s portfolio management. Specifically, finding the optimal asset allocation among a set of potential candidates.
Intro to Data Wrangling with Python and Pandas
General ·I had the opportunity to teach a few data science courses over the summer, and part of my interview was to see if I could teach a topic in 15 minutes.
Hello World
General ·Hello world!